Some people want to know how to get revenge, while others want to know, SHOULD they get revenge?
You've been bullied all of your life
Your neighbors are screwing you over
Your boss won't play by the rules
Your partner has cheated on you
You've been sexually assaulted
You probably already know that nice guys and gals finish last, and that your tormentor will continue to abuse you and will abuse others in the future.
Knowledge can be extremely powerful, but only when you put that knowledge to use and stop listening to naysayers.
You are probably asking yourself, "What liars am I talking about?" I'm glad you asked.
There are two lies that come to mind when it comes to getting help against bullies and other aggressors:
The Law - Have you ever noticed that anytime you start talking or even thinking about wanting to get revenge, you are reminded that you should let the law take care of it? Guess what? The law usually won't help you, or can't help you. Don't get me wrong, if someone has committed a criminal act against you, you should do your best to take care of it legally.
Have you been sexually assaulted, robbed out of your money, or beaten senseless by bullies or thugs? Is your spouse currently having an affair and you've got all of the evidence against them? Well, you should immediately contact the police and file a report, or go to a school and demand to speak with an administrator if your child has been bullied, or get a lawyer and start the long process of getting a divorce if your partner is cheating on you.
However, I'm going to tell you the problems you might encounter, or have already encountered.
First, unless you have enough evidence and enough witnesses, bullies usually get away and continue tormenting their victims. Don't take my word for it, all you have to do is pick up any newspaper, magazine, or turn on the radio or television, and you will read or hear about kids having problems with bullies.
1. Where are the school administrator's and the police when kids are being teased, tormented, and made to feel like a piece of crap, because of who they are?2. How many kids end up taking their own lives, because they have reached out for help and didn't get it?3. How many people lose their jobs, because of jealous employees or abusive bosses, but never get compensated for it?4. How many people go to court because of a cheating spouse, but spend months and sometimes years trying to get out of the marriage and end up losing lots of money on legal fees and lots of sleepless nights?5. How many times have people called the cops on their neighbors, but the cops told them they can't do anything because they don't have enough evidence, or no law has been broken, because your neighbors have done just enough to piss you off, but still haven't done anything illegal (according to the cops)?
So, you could argue that people are lying when they tell you to contact the authorities, when they can't do anything for you.
Those "Move On" People - You know, the ones that keep telling you that the best revenge is to live well. That seems to be an oxymoron to try and live well while you are being pooped on at the same time. Those are the same people who tell you that you are going to get into trouble if you get revenge. Or, that God or some other superior being is going to punish you, and you're going to have bad karma for the rest of this life and the life after.
First of all, I AM a religious person. Yet, I don't believe that I will be punished in my afterlife for protecting myself, my family, friends, and others from abuse on this planet. I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion, because there are hundreds of religions in the world. Fortunately, there are some that tell you to defend yourself, or that there should be "An eye for an eye."
Even my grandmother used to always tell us, "The Lord helps those, who help themselves." But, if you feel that Allah, God, Jesus, or whoever you pray to, is going to help you while you are being bullied and harassed every day, then get on your knees and pray for your life. However, if you are one of those people that believe your creator gave you more brains than the common garden slug to protect yourself while on this planet, then you should get revenge.
I like to bluntly tell people when they are harassed, bullied, or used and abused, to, "Get Revenge or Bend Over and take it like a man or woman!"
Yes, it is really that easy. Call the cops, get a lawyer, deal with it head on, ignore it, pray, or take it up the rear! However, I should warn you, for those who don't deal with it head on, you can just about bet your bottom dollar that the problem isn't going away and that it will only get worse.
So, if you can live with that possibility of further abuse without any plans on doing anything about it, you should get off my mailing list, don't read anymore of our newsletters or blog, and get on with your life.
Am I being blunt? You bet I am. Yet, I have helped thousands of people who have purchased my e-books and other services and listened to my advice. They have had success with bullies and against others who have caused them harm.
There have only been a few people who have opted out of our newsletters, or who have told me that I am a complete lunatic, or that I am a very dangerous man.
How to Get Revenge and Do the Right Thing
Do you realize what are the top reasons why people want to know how to get revenge? According to those who were questioned when they signed up for our newsletter and those we have helped privately, here are the Top 7 things they what they want to know:
How to get revenge on an ex
How to get revenge on someone who has taken their spouse or partner
How to get revenge on a boss
How to get revenge on a bully at school
How to get revenge on a neighbor
How to get revenge on a general bully
How to get revenge on someone who has cheated them out of something
Our tactics clearly teach you how to accomplish all of the above and more. What you need to do is actively do something and stop letting people walk all over you. Like I mentioned above, the problem will usually not go away. And worse, you are allowing those same people to resurface one day and abuse other people, because they become bolder, more confident, and more abusive later. So, by not getting revenge, you should also be held accountable for your enemy's action in the future.
The best way that I can tell you how to get revenge is to read the information in our blogs and newsletters, get your hands on The Purpose Driven Knife II and Toxic Internet and get busy! There is no excuse for allowing all of this information to sit around collecting cyber dust while your enemy is out having a good time at your expense.
Do something now and stop listening to other spineless people who tell you to ignore your enemies and move on with your life.
Or, just bend over!
You've been bullied all of your life
Your neighbors are screwing you over
Your boss won't play by the rules
Your partner has cheated on you
You've been sexually assaulted
You probably already know that nice guys and gals finish last, and that your tormentor will continue to abuse you and will abuse others in the future.
Knowledge can be extremely powerful, but only when you put that knowledge to use and stop listening to naysayers.
You are probably asking yourself, "What liars am I talking about?" I'm glad you asked.
There are two lies that come to mind when it comes to getting help against bullies and other aggressors:
The Law - Have you ever noticed that anytime you start talking or even thinking about wanting to get revenge, you are reminded that you should let the law take care of it? Guess what? The law usually won't help you, or can't help you. Don't get me wrong, if someone has committed a criminal act against you, you should do your best to take care of it legally.
Have you been sexually assaulted, robbed out of your money, or beaten senseless by bullies or thugs? Is your spouse currently having an affair and you've got all of the evidence against them? Well, you should immediately contact the police and file a report, or go to a school and demand to speak with an administrator if your child has been bullied, or get a lawyer and start the long process of getting a divorce if your partner is cheating on you.
However, I'm going to tell you the problems you might encounter, or have already encountered.
First, unless you have enough evidence and enough witnesses, bullies usually get away and continue tormenting their victims. Don't take my word for it, all you have to do is pick up any newspaper, magazine, or turn on the radio or television, and you will read or hear about kids having problems with bullies.
1. Where are the school administrator's and the police when kids are being teased, tormented, and made to feel like a piece of crap, because of who they are?2. How many kids end up taking their own lives, because they have reached out for help and didn't get it?3. How many people lose their jobs, because of jealous employees or abusive bosses, but never get compensated for it?4. How many people go to court because of a cheating spouse, but spend months and sometimes years trying to get out of the marriage and end up losing lots of money on legal fees and lots of sleepless nights?5. How many times have people called the cops on their neighbors, but the cops told them they can't do anything because they don't have enough evidence, or no law has been broken, because your neighbors have done just enough to piss you off, but still haven't done anything illegal (according to the cops)?
So, you could argue that people are lying when they tell you to contact the authorities, when they can't do anything for you.
Those "Move On" People - You know, the ones that keep telling you that the best revenge is to live well. That seems to be an oxymoron to try and live well while you are being pooped on at the same time. Those are the same people who tell you that you are going to get into trouble if you get revenge. Or, that God or some other superior being is going to punish you, and you're going to have bad karma for the rest of this life and the life after.
First of all, I AM a religious person. Yet, I don't believe that I will be punished in my afterlife for protecting myself, my family, friends, and others from abuse on this planet. I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion, because there are hundreds of religions in the world. Fortunately, there are some that tell you to defend yourself, or that there should be "An eye for an eye."
Even my grandmother used to always tell us, "The Lord helps those, who help themselves." But, if you feel that Allah, God, Jesus, or whoever you pray to, is going to help you while you are being bullied and harassed every day, then get on your knees and pray for your life. However, if you are one of those people that believe your creator gave you more brains than the common garden slug to protect yourself while on this planet, then you should get revenge.
I like to bluntly tell people when they are harassed, bullied, or used and abused, to, "Get Revenge or Bend Over and take it like a man or woman!"
Yes, it is really that easy. Call the cops, get a lawyer, deal with it head on, ignore it, pray, or take it up the rear! However, I should warn you, for those who don't deal with it head on, you can just about bet your bottom dollar that the problem isn't going away and that it will only get worse.
So, if you can live with that possibility of further abuse without any plans on doing anything about it, you should get off my mailing list, don't read anymore of our newsletters or blog, and get on with your life.
Am I being blunt? You bet I am. Yet, I have helped thousands of people who have purchased my e-books and other services and listened to my advice. They have had success with bullies and against others who have caused them harm.
There have only been a few people who have opted out of our newsletters, or who have told me that I am a complete lunatic, or that I am a very dangerous man.
How to Get Revenge and Do the Right Thing
Do you realize what are the top reasons why people want to know how to get revenge? According to those who were questioned when they signed up for our newsletter and those we have helped privately, here are the Top 7 things they what they want to know:
How to get revenge on an ex
How to get revenge on someone who has taken their spouse or partner
How to get revenge on a boss
How to get revenge on a bully at school
How to get revenge on a neighbor
How to get revenge on a general bully
How to get revenge on someone who has cheated them out of something
Our tactics clearly teach you how to accomplish all of the above and more. What you need to do is actively do something and stop letting people walk all over you. Like I mentioned above, the problem will usually not go away. And worse, you are allowing those same people to resurface one day and abuse other people, because they become bolder, more confident, and more abusive later. So, by not getting revenge, you should also be held accountable for your enemy's action in the future.
The best way that I can tell you how to get revenge is to read the information in our blogs and newsletters, get your hands on The Purpose Driven Knife II and Toxic Internet and get busy! There is no excuse for allowing all of this information to sit around collecting cyber dust while your enemy is out having a good time at your expense.
Do something now and stop listening to other spineless people who tell you to ignore your enemies and move on with your life.
Or, just bend over!
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