Getting An Ex Back: Control Anger and Negative Emotions by Molly Laws

After an unwanted break up it's easy to be angry with yourself, your ex and anyone that you feel contributed to the break up or interfered in your relationship. To have the best possible chance of getting your ex back you need to eliminate or at least control this anger and any other negative emotions you may be feeling such as jealousy and insecurity.
If you do not find a way to control the anger you feel there are two likely outcomes:
--Your fierce negative emotions will drive everyone you know, including your ex, further away from you.
--Your anger will twist your thinking and you will do something very stupid, such as engaging in activities that your ex could construe as harassment or even stalking.
There are ways that you can get your ex back but before you begin your campaign you need to calm yourself and get rid of all feelings of resentment, bitterness or anger. For many people this can be very difficult to accomplish. Here are a few ways to rid yourself of negative thoughts and emotions.
Refuse Admittance
Think of negative thoughts as unwanted strangers knocking on the door of your home. Simply refuse to let them in. When these thought appear shut them off and turn your mind toward other things such as your work or a hobby you enjoy. If these negative emotions manage to slip through the front door open the back door wide and usher them right out again. If this seems simple that's because it is. And it works.
Ask a Higher Power for Help
If you are a religious person then you likely already know that prayer can be very helpful when dealing with emotional situations. But even if you do not consider yourself to be religious, go ahead and try it anyway. Simply speak humbley to the spiritual force you understand and ask for help in ridding yourself of negative emotions. I don't believe prayer will ever help you to win a contest or bring you material wealth. I do believe prayer can help to control the swirl of thoughts in our minds
Meditation Can Be Calming
Like prayer meditation can work wonders in calming your mind and expelling negative emotions. And you don't have to visit a guru or take classes in order to meditate. Just sit comfortable and empty your mind of all thoughts. Thoughts will re-enter but just gently move them out again. Do this for as long as you can and several times a day. You may well be pleasantly surprised at how much better you feel.
Get a Workout
Sitting in front of the TV with a pail of ice cream may seem like the best thing to do right now, but it isn't. Force yourself up and get some exercise. Vigorous exercise. Play tennis or squash, go swimming, run, speed walk. Do anything that causes you to work up a sweat. You're mind will be more clear and you'll sleep better at night.
Once you have your thoughts under control and have banished ideas like calling him or her every hour or leaving notes on his or her car you can start formulating a how to plan that will give you the best possible chance of getting your ex back.


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