Expectation - The Silent Killer by Dr. Pamela Zimmer

Expectation... such a great and powerful word. Most of us want our expectations not only fulfilled but exceeded. And why not? After all, don't I have the right to expect what I want, how I want it, when I want it, and in the precise manner I want it?

Sure you do! In fact, we all do! The problem comes in when you try to impose your expectations - great and otherwise - on someone else. Your boyfriend, your partner, or your husband, for instance. Here's where you begin wading in murky waters.

While you can share your hopes, dreams, and desires with another, you can't force them into obedient compliance. Okay, well you can if you're running the military program in your relationship!

But any use of forceful persuasion becomes controlling. And once you're exerting control over your mate, you're no longer allowing him to be free in making choices that are in alignment with his truth and support his growth.

You may think you don't really care about this, but I can assure you that if you are not creating a dynamic in which you're both free to express and live according to your truth, your relationship is headed for doom and gloom.

Sure, you want your guy to do whatever you want him to do and you want to be able to expect that. If he truly is on the same page as you in this regard and the area concerned, then he most likely will meet your expectations.

But if he's doing what you want out of a false sense of obligation and simply not to incur your wrath, then he is not being his true self, and sooner or later, things will fall apart.

You see, any time you impose your stuff on someone else and make them feel that they would honor it if they loved you, you are manipulating them, and certainly not coming from love yourself. Just as you want to become and be whole, you want your man to become and be whole as your equal partner.

Denigrating him to a position in which he cannot rise to his higher self actually keeps you both low, disconnected and incomplete. Sure you want agreement in your relationship, but not at the cost of sacrificing his or your truth.

This also sets you up for dependency and co-dependency, a state in which you need him to fulfill your needs whether they're realistic or not, and you fall into devastation when he doesn't. He then wants to meet your needs to prevent this dark state, and feels terribly guilty when he doesn't.

It's a Lose-Lose proposition. You lose sight of who you really are and fail to empower yourself with that Higher Truth. He loses his ability to think for himself and grow accordingly. You both lose the opportunity to come from love and share love with each other.

My suggestion is that you place all your expectations on yourself and encourage your guy to do the same for himself. That way, you can individually and together both "shoot for the stars!"