You may, however, give wedding presents that are not useful if you have a close relationship to the couple. They will understand you and will give consideration to the gift. It may be something funny and appropriate of course. Avoid those that disrespect ones religion and culture. If you are not close to the newlyweds, useful gifts are better since it will be safer and will not result to an impression that is not very good. It’s not about impressing though but trying to avoid sending out the wrong message and shall not create future dealings with them.
Gifts that are potentially dangerous to the couple and to those present that day is not a good gift. Avoid these at all cost because you don’t know what it can cause to the people around. Examples of these kinds of gifts are fireworks and other kinds of explosives. If you still opted to give such kinds of wedding presents make sure that you notify the newlyweds regarding the danger that might occur if not proper caution is attended. But as much as possible, try to avoid choosing these kinds of gift for everybody’s safety.
It is already very obvious why you shouldn’t give a damaged gift. Put yourself in a receiver’s shoe. How could you feel receiving something damaged? Embarrassed and humiliated. These are just few of the impressions that you send to the receiver. So why not buy something brand new? Don’t worry about buying something expensive because nobody is forcing you to buy an expensive one. Just do it at your own compulsion. A cheap gift will not send you to prison for as long as it’s heartily given, nobody has the right to question you.
If you are a type of person who loves vintage, before deciding on buying a vintage item, try to find out whether the newlyweds are vintages collectors and they will definitely appreciate it. If not, consider not giving them a vintage gift; decide rather on getting a modern gift to be safer.
So those are the things that you need to remember in choosing wedding presents. But here is the most common mistake that you need to avoid. Check if tags are still attached to the wedding present, if it still is, remove it before having the gift wrapped. If you think that if the gift is expensive and leaving the tag price their will impress the couple, well think again because it won’t. They will only think that you are boasting your wealth and that doesn’t sound so good.