I will not play judge and jury because I have been at this point too. It seems even better when we convince ourselves we just want to move on faster. It becomes a cause for alarm, however, when you cannot help but check up on him, even when it makes you feel crappy.
First things first, you need to make a conscious decision to move on from the relationship.
Delete his number. This will reduce the temptation to casually check up or even be reminded of his existence. Unfriend him on all apps so that his name does not even have the chance to mistakenly pop up on your newsfeed.
Do not allow yourself to be idle. Make yourself busy so that you do not wallow in self-pity. Hang around friends and pursue all your hobbies. Basically, do those activities that make you feel good at all times.
Sometimes, all we need is tough love. And good friends are always available to do this. Ask your friends to alert you when the obsessive need to stalk him comes up and to do anything within their power to stop you.
If all these do not work, you can take an online break and heal a little. Stalking depletes your already-drained out emotional bank and only you have the power to stop.
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