Your date man should see you as an independent woman who is confident of her own good looks and brains and won’t go all out to attract the attention of a guy. It is okay if you show a deep interest in a guy but don’t go so far as being too available every time he calls.
Getting too serious
A common mistake most ladies make is giving off subtle hints on marriage, kids, and family while on the first date. Not every guy is thrilled at the idea of marriage so don’t be surprised if your dates end sooner than you think.
Sleeping with him
Yes, times are changing and most people don’t see anything damning in having sex on the first date. But tell you what? If you want a long-lasting relationship with a guy you shouldn’t give him sex on the first date! Why? It’s just too soon and he’ll see you as cheap.
Paying his bills
Sure, you guys can split the bill when on a casual date but don’t be blinded by your emotions and give money to a guy you just met even if he’s in deep financial sh*t! It’s just not done.
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