Things women do when displeased

Look here, we ladies can get really loving, caring and affectionate but when you step on our toes or play tricks on our emotions we can get really mean. For those guys out there who don't know a thing about women and their moods, check out these things women do when they get offended. 

We ignore you a lot 

When a lady starts giving you the cold treatment, think back to your last discussion together in order for you to understand why she's ignoring you. A woman doesn't just act all snobby to a man without a cause and being offended is one big reason and only an understanding and patient man can make them forget their displeasure. 


Yeah, we know endless nagging on our part just irritate you guys but we won't stop nagging concerning our displeasure until we are pacified. Quick advice guys, when your woman nags just do yourself a big favor by trying to understand her point and making amends instead of getting all worked up. 

They get sulky 

When a lady is unhappy about something that happened to her or what her man did to offend her, she gets easily withdrawn and feels miserable until her partner cuddles up to her and make amends. 


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