4 subtle ways of bringing him closer

There are times in a relationship when distance happens. It is like you two do not connect anymore and this may not be because anything, in particular, has happened. Don’t worry, the situation is salvageable. These tips will bring you two closer than ever before and you know the sweetest part? You don’t have to use jazz (lol).

Know his love language: There are five generally accepted love languages. A love language is a way a person best interprets love. It may be through words of affirmation, gifts, quality of time, physical touch or acts of service. Observe which he tends to appreciate more and do it more often. There is nothing as good as feeling loved. You can look up those languages online to learn more. 

Be his number one fan: Encourage him to bring out the best in him. When you hear of really beneficial opportunities, let him be the first person you inform, especially if it is his area of interest. Also, if someone steps on his toes, take it personally. He will find it adorable. 

Talking: The power of communication cannot be overemphasized. Of course, there are other ways of communicating but you are not psychics so talking covers a large chunk of it. Be open to him; be real with him and he, in turn will naturally be inclined to open up. Talk about even the smallest things and soon the big stuff will be easy to tackle. It breeds trust and he will feel interwoven your life. 

Intimacy: I don’t just mean bedroom stuff because, trust me, you two can be that intimate but it doesn’t guarantee his being close to you. Carve out stuff that you only ever do with him. Things he can refer to as ‘our thing’. It may be playing in a certain manner or whatever. Just something for the two of you.


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