Did you know that there are scientists who study the science and art of kissing?

Did you know that there are scientists who study the science and art of kissing? They are called philematologists. You may think it is unlikely that kissing could have certain health benefits apart from the obvious ones that it feels so good and that it brings you closer to your partner, making you bond better but you are about to be ‘wowed’. Kissing is said to reduce blood pressure. In the process of locking lips, your heart beats faster in a healthy way that lowers blood pressure and increases its circulation. This is much better that working out, don’t you think?

Dentists also claim that it prevents cavities. Kissing stimulates the flow of saliva which eliminates that film gathering on the teeth that eventually leads to plaque. But oga, madam, you should still visit your dentists regularly.

How to make the first date the last one?

Sometimes living through a terrible date takes courage. It can get so bad that you feel like stabbing yourself with a fork or walking into an oncoming vehicle. When a date goes wrong you think of one million things you could have done with your time, like simply sleeping. 

There are many reasons this might happen. It may be that you didn’t even want to go in the first place, your girlfriends forced you or you decided to go just because the guy has been asking you out for like forever then that just might be recipe for disaster. It could also be that the guy only seemed awesome from afar- a little time with him revealed he is either boring or just not your type.

Your first kiss with your partner might not be so great

First and foremost, kissing is an art that you can get better at. Your first kiss with your partner might not be so great but over time, you can learn the person’s preferences thus, for practice to make perfect, you must be teachable. Now, just because you want to perfect the skill does not mean you should go locking lips with everyone. Kissing is a step towards intimacy that should be shared with only your partner.
It is a form of communication, so before going for it, maintain eye contact to ascertain if your partner is really ready for that kiss or else it can become very awkward.