When your periods are irregular, it simply means you find it difficult to predict your period no matter how hard you try. It might come some days early, late or some months might even get skipped.
Research has shown that most women will at one point or the other experience irregular monthly cycles so don’t fret if you notice that. It is easy to get but then, there might be simple reasons for the occurrence so hearken to the following and see if it all turns around for the better.
1.Birth control pills
Basically, contraceptives tamper with your hormones and when your hormones are altered like that, it may take quite a while for your body to adjust and accommodate the changes.
2.Improper diet
What you eat determines a lot of what you experience in your body. Over-processed foods like noodles and those that carry unhealthy fats such as sodas will naturally upset your hormonal balance especially if you are adding weight.
3.Anxiety or stress
This is said to be the most common cause of irregular periods. The production of estrogen and progesterone is largely impacted by your period cycle. However, the stress hormone, cortisol has a way of influencing how those two hormones are produced.
4.Puberty or menopause
Quite naturally- either at the point of puberty or menopause- the body undergoes a whole lot of changes and so it takes a while for the body to find its balance once again.
If all you have ticked all these off your checklist and you still experience irregular periods then it is time to head to the doctors.
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