Why You Should Do Away With Dating Types #Updated

When it comes to choosing an ideal date, some people always have a certain type in mind. It allows them to choose from possible candidates and select someone whom they think can be the best one. But while some may consider having dating types, there are also certain disadvantages involved. There are times when you simply need to do away with them. Here are some  of the reasons why.
Your ideal type might not be what you need in a relationship.

Some people have an ideal type that may not necessarily be relationship material. Looking for a bad-boy or naughty-girl type may not always end up well. Yes, they may provide some fun during dates. But when your ultimate goal is to build up a long-term relationship with someone, then having such types may not always be a good idea.
Having ideal types limits your choices.
When it comes to having certain dating types in mind, then you are already discarding other types not worth your while. This may limit your choices and prevent you from discovering certain other types that you might also find ideal in the end. Having ideal types can prevent you from exploring other options for potential dates.
You might also be judged or type casted.
If you try to determine ideal dates based on types, it is also possible that you yourself might be a candidate by some other person based on an ideal type. If you do not want to be judged yourself this way, then you might know the feelings of those who are being approved or disapproved as potential dates based on an ideal type


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